Click the body part to see the case study for the body part listed:

Upper Lip
Axilla (Underarm area)
Upper Abdomen
Bikini Line (Upper thigh)


Our current modality, Multipulse/Microflash, produces results much faster than these case studies that were done with standard thermolysis.   The MULTIPULSE MICROFLASH modality is so new that we do not have photos yet, but are noticing (from our statistical analysis of the hair density) that in many cases, we see the hair growth rate diminish by as much as 91% after just six treatments, much more than the 50% reduction in the growth rate of the hair after the first six treatments, with our prior method.  We will be posting more photos as we collect them.

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Note: Some of the "after" photos will show some hair remaining. This is due to the fact that photos were taken at the completion of each set of 6 treatments. If a patient had no hair remaining he/she did not return for an "after" photo or density follow-up calculation. Many times the "after" photo is simply the last photo that was taken, and the patient possibly took up to six treatments following that photo, then did not return for the treatment during which we would have done the final photograph because he/she was satisfied with the result and needed no further treatment.

Had they returned in three months for the regular follow-up photo, the area would have exhibited no hair. In the cases where the "after" photo shows no hair, many times these were taken when the patient was in the office to get another area treated.

In some cases, the patients did not allow the area to be totally cleared because they did not desire a totally denuded appearance.


Upper Lip




This shows a portion of the upper lip of a 24 year old female patient. In the "before" shot, the lip is seen in its original condition, no temporary removal methods had ever been used. At this time, the density of the hair was 33 hairs per square centimeter.

The "after" photo was taken nine months later after a total of four and two-thirds hours of treatment, the density of the of the hair growth in the area treated was 4 per square centimeter; it had been two months since the area had been treated when the final photo was taken.




This 20 year old female patient had bleached the area prior to electrolysis. When this photo was taken, we counted 65 hair per square centimeter. Seventeen months later, we too the "after" shot. Since the beginning, she had received eight and one quarter hours of treatment.

Eleven weeks since her last treatment, she only had 12 very fine hairs in the square centimeter where the 65 coarse ones had originally been located.




The "before" shot above is of the chin area of a 22 year old black female patient; she had only cut the hair prior to treatment: the hair density was 12 hair per square centimeter.

Ten months later, the "after" shot shows a hair density of only one hair per square centimeter; seven weeks had elapsed since the last treatment and the patient had received five hours of total treatment.

Male Chin



The "before" shot is of a 28 year old Hispanic male who didn't want to shave because of the skin irritation it caused. He had only shaved the area prior to beginning treatments. He received four hours of treatment the entire 16 months.






These photos show the area of the jaw line just below the earlobe. This 33 year old female patient had received treatment in another city but had discontinued for five months due to moving. In the photo is seen a five month growth and a hair density of 10 hair per square centimeter.

After three and one half hours of treatment over a period of nine months, the "after" photo was taken. It had been three weeks since she had received a treatment and the hair density was reduced to one hair per square centimeter.

The photos shown are included to show how, many times, the actual texture of the skin improves when the hair is permanently removed.






The "before" photo shows a 36 year old patient who had tweezed the hair from her neck prior to beginning treatment; this photo was taken one week after she had last tweezed. The "after" photograph was taken one month after her last treatment.

The time elapsed between the two photos was 19 months. During that time, she had a total of ten and two-thirds hours of treatment on her neck.


Axilla (Underarm area)




Prior to electrolysis, this 32 year old female had only shaved the area. The "before photo" shows 23 hair per square centimeter. The "after" shot was taken 9 months later and was taken 6 weeks after her last treatment. She had only one hair per square centimeter; total treatment time was twelve and one half hours. [Note: this patient returned (20 years later) to start another area. On checking we found that the underarm area was still baby skin smooth with NO regrowth.]






This 30 year old patient had tweezed the area for two years prior to treatment.

The "after" shot was taken 18 months later, five weeks since the area had been treated; she had a total of five and two-third hours of treatment.




This 25 year old patient had done nothing to the hair prior to having the area treated.

The "after" photo was taken one month after the last treatment. She had a total of five and one quarter hours of treatment.


Upper Abdomen

Female Abdomen



This shows the upper abdomen (navel at top center of photos) of a 28 year old female. Prior to beginning electrolysis treatments, she had done nothing to camouflage or remove the hair. The hair growth extended from the top of the pubic hair to the umbilicus (navel), with a count of 12 hair per square centimeter. After 28 hours of treatment over 22 months, the count was zero.

The "after" photo was taken one year after treatments were completed. (We were able to get this long-range photo because patient had begun treatment on another area and returned to the office for that purpose.)

Female Abdomen



This is the abdomen of a 23 year old female.

The results were achieved in 12 months with less than two hours of treatment. Note how the skin no longer has ingrown hairs and sores.


Bikini line (upper thigh)




This 35 year old female patient previously had three months of treatment in another city. There was a lapse of 4 months since her treatment when she began treatment with AMEC. The "before" photo shows 8 hair per square centimeter. She took one 30 minute treatment and two months later her hair density was only 3 per square centimeter.

Her results were so remarkable that we made the photo. Another "after" shot was not taken as she completed her treatment prior to the sixth treatment when the photo would have been made. This case is just a "one in a million" chance but is included to illustrate the extremes that can occur in this type of treatment. . [Note: With the Apilus epilator, we are seeing results like this much more frequently.]




This 31 year old female had only shaved the area prior to treatment and had a hair density of 16 per square centimeter.

Three months later, after a total of four hours of treatment, her density was down to five per square centimeter; it had been two weeks since her last treatment. This patient moved from the area so subsequent pictures were not made. She did write that six months later she was to the point that she only needed about 5 minutes every two or three months and was thrilled that she could wear her high-rise bathing suit with no embarrassing "fallout".

Questions? Email us!


Serving Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Manor, Lakeway,
Travis County, Williamson County, and central Texas since 1970